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Why Join a Club?

Ham radio is a vast hobby with more possible areas of interest than one person could possibly master in a lifetime. A club is a place to ask questions, find and explore your interests and share the adventure with others who share your interests.

RCARC’s membership recognizes that we’re all learning, whether we’re new to the hobby or have decades of experience. We emphasize supporting each other, creating opportunities to learn together and build community.

New member receives free radio from club president, N4CMD

Clubs host educational session and radio-related activities like fox-hunts (find the transmitter) and field day, when amateurs around the world go outside to play radio together.

Clubs share resources. Need help putting up or tuning up an antenna? Can’t afford to invest in expensive analyzers and crimpers yet? There’s someone in the club who can help you out. The mentors and helpers in amateur radio are called “Elmers,” and RCARC is fortunate to have some really good ones.

That said, amateur radio is full of regular people. Some regular people out there on the airwaves can be course, impatient or rude. Because club members are here to support each other, RCARC is a safe place to ask questions, try skills, make mistakes and grow without fear of being criticized.

You don’t have to join right away. Come to some meetings and events. Try us out. Join when you’re ready.

by Mike Litty KA4AMP

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