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Information Links

General Information <> Spotter Lists and Contests <> Online Communities <> Test Prep

General Amateur Radio Resources

ARRLNational Association for Amateur Radio, lobbying to advance and protect amateur radio in the United States.
Logbook of the WorldARRL’s international logbook. a.k.a “LoTW” (may be down temporarily)
QRZGlobally used independent logbook and callsign lookup. Lots of other radio resources there as well.
DX Code of ConductBest practices and etiquette for working distance contacts
eQSLAnother log for confirming contacts.
FCC ULSThe authoritative list of licensed radio users in the United States, all licensees of all types.
FCC CORESFCC Commission Registration System – Find or obtain your FRN number.
HamInfo.Tetranz.comAmateur operator map for U.S. operators. Put in a location and find other Amateurs around.

Spotting and Contest Lists

Parks on the Air (POTA) ListingNot a contest, gamified leaderboard of hunters and activators working national parks around the world.
Summits on the Air (SOTA)Not a contest, gamified leaderboard of hunters and activators working mountain summits around the world.
DX SummitCollecting contacts in other countries? Find them fast here.
Spot ClusterAnother international DX spotting list.
Contest CalendarCalendar of contests all over the world.

Online Communities and Clubs

Straight Key Century ClubDedicated community of CW/Morse code enthusiasts.
Long Island CW ClubDedicated to using effective and proven methods of teaching and learning CW.

Test Prep & Study

Ham StudyFantastic study prep tools and also provides the online testing resources we use. The website is free to use for prep and there’s a paid app for iOS and Android.
Ham ExamFree online practice tests, flashcards and more.
KB6NUPrint Study Guides
Gordon West Radio SchoolGordo’s print study prep books are well known and well respected.

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