RCARC meets the second Saturday of each month at 9:30 a.m. EST at the Richmond County Emergency Services facility located at 200 Industrial Park Dr. off of Midway Road.
All are welcome to attend and participate. Membership is required to vote or hold office. Annual dues are $30. See the Constitution and Bylaws for additional information.
Officers <> Members <> Silent Keys
- Extra (E)
- General (G)
- Technician (T)
- Pre-License (P)
Callsigns link to listing.

President: Mark Dawkins (E) N4CMD 910-206-4210
Vice President: Fred Lathan (E) KG4GSA 910-995-3340
Sec/Trs.: James Bullard (G) KC4ZIE 910-331-8678
VE Team Leader: Mark Gibson (E) N4MQU
VE Deputy Team Leader: Mike Litty (E) KA4AMP
VE Deputy Team Leader: Mark Dawkins (E) N4CMD
Andy Baucom (E) N4ANB, WRPN591
Barbara Britt (E) KK4HWH
Ben Setzer (G) WA4BCS
Brittany White (T) N4BCW
Bryan Hall (T) K4BRH, WSDB370
Butch Parris (E) N4AWP
Charles Keziah (G) KK4NCJ
Coy Hilton (E) AC0Y
David Muse (G) KD4FEB
Doug Baucom (E) KO4CKM
Fred Lathan (E) KG4GSA
James Bullard (G) KC4ZIE
Jamie McCroskey (G) N4JWM
Jeff Isenhour (G) KE4LCF
Jim Wallace (GMRS) WRZN971
John White (G) K4JLW
Linda Gibson (T) KD4JMJ
Mark Dawkins (E) N4CMD
Mark Gibson (E) N4MQU
Mike Litty (E) KA4AMP, WRNR900
Mike Poplin (G) KK4VTB
Olivia Rinehart (E) K8OJR
Pearl Wallace (GMRS) WRZN971
Pete Britt (G) W4JVB
Richard Hutton (G) KO4KRE
Rick Fisher (T) KQ4UAC
Rob Humphries (G) K4PDR, WRYU732
Ron Adams (G) KW4RON
Scott Whitaker (E) KF4DBW
Ted Lathan (E) KB4CIT
Tim Martin (G) N4TDM
Todd Armstrong (G) KE4VWK
Silent Keys
Dick Barber (A) W1GFM
John Eichorn (E) WD1P
Norvin Forester (E) K5FMV
Max Kearns (E) N4CGC
Erin Trayner (T) KJ4UTM
Bo Parker (E) W4WLP
Victor Faries (G) N4CUO
Jack Brigman (A) WA4ULA
David Arner (A) KC4SVS